Source Data

Supporting data, research and various other references used within the platform.

This section permits you to locate data by data source. All of the data provided through the exhibits within the sustainability reports, whether in graph form, URL’s, or in text, can be found in one of the categories listed below. There are two ways to obtain the graph data. To see individual data points, place the cursor on one of the bars, lines or pie sections, and the data will be displayed on the screen. To download all of the data, click on the CSV button located under the graph, and the data will be downloaded in Excel file format. Every effort has been made to obtain the most recent and reliable data and to report data correctly and in context. The source for each of the data sets has been provided to permit you to verify the data used, and to obtain additional data on the same subject.
AAFC Report Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Agri-Environmental Indicators Report #4, 2016

This report, Environmental Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture: Agri-Environmental Indicator Report Series—Report #4, presents agri-environmental performance results and trends for the 30-year period from 1981 to 2011. The report provides a snapshot of the health of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food system using data from the 2011 Canadian Census of Agriculture.

The indicators in this report have been developed using internationally established methodology and are shared with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development where they are used to compare Canada's agri-environmental performance with that of other member nations.

AAFC Report Agriculture Soil Quality
Agri-Environmental Indicators Report #4, 2016

This report, Environmental Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture: Agri-Environmental Indicator Report Series—Report #4, presents agri-environmental performance results and trends for the 30-year period from 1981 to 2011.

The report provides a snapshot of the health of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food system using data from the 2011 Canadian Census of Agriculture.

The indicators in this report have been developed using internationally established methodology and are shared with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development where they are used to compare Canada's agri-environmental performance with that of other member nations.

In 2011, the risk of soil erosion resulting from farming activities in Canada was in the "Desired" category. The index illustrates an improving trend, representing a reduction in erosion risk between 1981 and 2011. This reduction is primarily attributed to the widespread adoption of reduced tillage and no-till, as well as decreases in the use of summerfallow in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.The index tends to aggregate and generalize trends and so should be viewed as a policy tool to give a general overview of state and trend over time.

CRSC Canadian Grain Producer Survey 2017
A survey of 1600 Canadian grains, oilseeds and pulse producers

The CRSC contracted Stratus Ag Research to undertake a survey of Canadian grain producers regarding relevant sustainability practices. The survey was conducted with 1608 grain producers respondents from BC/Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. Only producers farming 1,000 acres of more in the West, and 200 acres or more in the East, were included in the survey. The survey was representative of grain producers in each province surveyed in that size category. The "Canada" number was calculated by aggregating provincial results, recognizing that a small percentage of grain producers (located in the Atlantic provinces) were not surveyed.

Respondents were given a choice of numerical responses from 1 through to 5. "Always" was identified as 1; "never" as 5, numbers 2 to 4 were not identified as to frequency.  For purposes of reporting, 2 has been deemed to be "often", 3 as "sometimes" and 4 as "rarely". Respondents were also offered the choice of "Not applicable to my farm", which has been reported as NA.

The featured charts include all responses from 1 through to 5, as well as those indicating NA. In the texts of the sustainability reports and the summary at the bottom of the charts, NA responses have been excluded, and the percentages recalculated.

An Excel Pivot Table showing all results for all questions will be provided to CRSC members upon request. CRSC members interested in receiving this report please send your request to:

CRSC Major Crop Carbon Lifecycle Assessments 2021 updated 2022

In 2017, the CRSC contracted (S&T)2 to conduct a Carbon Lifecycle Analysis (CLA) for ten major grain crops in Canada: barley; canola; corn: durum wheat; field peas; flax; lentils; oats; soybeans and wheat (other than durum).  (S&T)2 recalculated the CLAs in 2021 using updated data.   The reports for corn and soybeans are undergoing revision and have been removed from the website. These reports are available for CRSC members only – please contact 

Carbon Lifecycle Analysis (or GHG emissions per unit production) is the sum of all of the greenhouse gas emissions and removals, converted and expressed as carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents, in a product system and is based on the lifecycle of the product. For this work, the product system ends at the farm gate. For each crop, the following were calculated: the relative contribution of energy, fertilizer manufacturing, seeds and pesticides, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, changes in soil carbon, and the Total GHG emissions in kilograms of CO2 equivalents per tonne of production.

This work follows the ISO 14067 Technical Specification. The use of changes in soil carbon and the methodology used in Canada’s National Inventory Report is recommended for compliance to this standard. This work does not include any emissions associated with the capital infrastructure.

For the purpose of the Carbon Lifecycle Analysis, Canada is divided into Regional Units (RUs). An RU is the smallest spatial unit at which activity data from the different sources (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Canadian Forest Service) can be harmonized. RUs are AAFC Reporting Zones subdivided by provincial boundaries. The AAFC Reporting Zones are equivalent to ecozones of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's National Ecological Framework with additional subdivisions: the Prairie ecozone was divided into the Semiarid Prairies and Subhumid Prairies, and the Boreal Shield ecozone was divided into the Boreal Shield West and Boreal Shield East sections. The RUs for Canada can be seen by clicking the small gear symbol to the right of each chart.

Not all of these units are applicable to Canadian crop production. An RU was considered for calculation if it had more than 10,000 ha of cropland. A crop was considered as a major crop if there were more than 500,000t of production annually. Accordingly, the CRSC limited the number of crops to ten, and only RUs with at least 10,000 hectares of that crop in 2020 were included in the study.

A significant input into the Carbon Lifecycle Analysis is the Carbon Footprint for Fertilizer Production. The CRSC contracted Cheminfo Services Inc. in 2016 to conduct a carbon footprint analysis for fertilizer manufacturing for use in the Carbon Lifecycle for Crops work. The resulting calculations were then applied within the individual crops calculations.

The complete reports as well as the methodology are available to CRSC members. The documents are available on the website, but can only be accessed through logging into the site, which requires a password. Members should direct their request for a password to All non-member inquiries should be directed to

CRSC Major Crop Carbon Lifecycle Assessments 2017
Carbon Lifecycles for Ten Major Field Crops in Canada, 2017

In 2017, the CRSC contracted (S&T)2 to conduct a Carbon Lifecycle Analysis for ten major grain crops in Canada: barley; canola; corn: durum wheat; field peas; flax; lentils; oats; soybeans and wheat (other than durum). The reports for corn and soybeans are currently undergoing revision and they have been removed from the website.  These reports are available to CRSC members only - please contact 

A Carbon Lifecycle Analysis (or GHG emissions per unit production) is the sum of all of the greenhouse gas emissions and removals, converted and expressed as carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents, in a product system and is based on the lifecycle of the product. For this work, the product system ends at the farm gate.

For each crop, the following were calculated: the relative contribution of energy, fertilizer manufacturing, seeds and pesticides, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, changes in soil carbon, and the Total GHG emissions in kilograms of CO2 equivalents per tonne of production. This work follows the ISO 14067 Technical Specification. The use of changes in soil carbon and the methodology used in Canada’s National Inventory Report is recommended for compliance to this standard. This work does not include any emissions associated with the capital infrastructure.

For the purpose of the Carbon Lifecycle Analysis, Canada is divided into Regional Units (RUs). An RU is the smallest spatial unit at which activity data from the different sources (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Canadian Forest Service) can be harmonized. RUs are AAFC Reporting Zones subdivided by provincial boundaries. The AAFC Reporting Zones are equivalent to ecozones of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's National Ecological Framework with additional subdivisions: the Prairie ecozone was divided into the Semiarid Prairies and Subhumid Prairies, and the Boreal Shield ecozone was divided into the Boreal Shield West and Boreal Shield East sections. The RUs for Canada can be seen by clicking the small gear symbol to the right of each chart.

Not all of these units are applicable to Canadian crop production. An RU was considered for calculation if it had more than 10,000 ha of cropland. A crop was considered as a major crop if there were more than 500,000t of production annually. Accordingly, the CRSC limited the number of crops to ten, and only RUs with at least 10,000 hectares of that crop in 2014 were included in the study.

A significant input into the Carbon Lifecycle Analysis is the Carbon Footprint for Fertilizer Production.  The CRSC contracted Cheminfo Services Inc. in 2016 to conduct a carbon footprint analysis for fertilizer manufacturing for use in the Carbon Lifecycle for Crops work. The resulting calculations were then applied within the individual crops calculations.

CRSC Meeting - April 17th, 2024
The presentations provided at the CRSC meeting of April 17th 2024 are listed below, under Documents.
CRSC Meeting April 20th, 2023
Agenda and presentations from the April 20th, 2023
CRSC Meeting November 23rd, 24th 2023
For your use only - please do not publish.
Economic Data sourced from Agriculture and Agri-food Canada and others
Economic Data sourced from Agriculture and Agri-food Canada and others

The data in this collection is used for the Financial Viability report. As well, data for the Financial Viability report can be found in the Statistics Canada collection.

Environment and Climate Change Canada
Data sets of environmental indicators or programs

Data in this collection have been sourced from Environment and Climate Change Canada and have been used in the Land Use and Biodiversity Report.

Farm Management Survey - 2017

The Farm Management Survey is designed to contribute to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's work on measuring management practices on Canadian farms. The data from this survey was collected from February to April 2018, based on 2017 farm operation experience. The Farm Management Survey is built to be representative of 81% of the Canadian agricultural production in 7 specific production subsectors: dairy, beef, poultry, pigs, field crops, forage crops, and fruit, vegetables, berries and nut production. Not all geographic areas are represented by the data. Only those with significant national production in one of those 7 subsectors are included in the sampling.

For the purpose of this survey, field crops are defined as annual crops grown for grain, seed, forage feed (hay, silage, or greenfeed), or grazing. The total number of field crop producer responses included in this survey was 2,937 and were distributed by province as follows: Alberta – 548; Saskatchewan – 724, Manitoba – 279; Ontario – 982; and Quebec – 404.

Given that Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and British Columbia did not have significant national production of field crops, grain producers from these provinces were not included in the survey.

Detailed methodology for this survey can be found at:
Field to Market Canada Indicator Report
Final Report Application of Sustainable Agriculture Metrics to Canadian Field Crops 2015.

Field to Market Canada is a collaborative alliance of grower organizations, agribusinesses, food companies and conservation organizations working together to define and measure the sustainability of Canadian crop production. The key goal of Field to Market Canada is to meet the demand for sustainability information from consumers and food companies worldwide, and to this end, is engaged in the development of macro-level sustainability indicators, and an on-farm sustainability calculator, for Canadian crop production.

Field to Market Canada has developed indicators of environmental sustainability for production of major crops in Ontario and the Prairie Provinces. These indicators quantify the environmental impacts of crop production practices in the areas of Land Use Efficiency, Soil Erosion, Soil Organic Carbon Change, Energy Use and Climate Impact. Indicators of Biodiversity and Water Quality are currently in development.

The indicators are applied both regionally and at field level, with the field-level indicators being implemented through the Canadian Field Print Calculator. The Calculator enables individual producers to confidentially input information on farm management practices, and learn about sustainability outcomes on their farms, including:

  • Compare the sustainability outcomes on their farms to local and regional averages
  • Compare their sustainability outcomes over time
  • Compare the sustainability outcomes of alternative management scenarios on their farms
GIS Data
AAFC geospatial products

Data in this collection have been sourced from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and applied to geographic units in graph or map form.

Federal and provincial legislation

Information on relevant legislation and regulations are provided for a number of subject areas and are referenced in various reports.

The relevant legislation and/or regulations have been summarized by the CRSC for the Metrics Platform, and where possible, links to the relevant pages on provincial or federal government sites have been provided.

Responsible Grain
Social Data
Data pertaining to the social responsibility reports

Data in this collection have been obtained from various sources and have been used in the Social Responsibility reports.

Statistics Canada
Data accessed from Statistics Canada published data sets

This collection includes data sets that have been sourced from Statistics Canada, and have been used in multiple reports. The reference numbers of these data sets have been provided for your convenience, for published data.

Only the most relevant data  from each data set have been reported on the Platform, and each data set provides additional data that may be of interest. The following link will provide you with a searchable list of agriculture data sets:

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