CRSC Canadian Grain Producer Survey 2017
A survey of 1600 Canadian grains, oilseeds and pulse producers
The CRSC contracted Stratus Ag Research to undertake a survey of Canadian grain producers regarding relevant sustainability practices. The survey was conducted with 1608 grain producers respondents from BC/Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. Only producers farming 1,000 acres of more in the West, and 200 acres or more in the East, were included in the survey. The survey was representative of grain producers in each province surveyed in that size category. The "Canada" number was calculated by aggregating provincial results, recognizing that a small percentage of grain producers (located in the Atlantic provinces) were not surveyed.
Respondents were given a choice of numerical responses from 1 through to 5. "Always" was identified as 1; "never" as 5, numbers 2 to 4 were not identified as to frequency. For purposes of reporting, 2 has been deemed to be "often", 3 as "sometimes" and 4 as "rarely". Respondents were also offered the choice of "Not applicable to my farm", which has been reported as NA.
The featured charts include all responses from 1 through to 5, as well as those indicating NA. In the texts of the sustainability reports and the summary at the bottom of the charts, NA responses have been excluded, and the percentages recalculated.
An Excel Pivot Table showing all results for all questions will be provided to CRSC members upon request. CRSC members interested in receiving this report please send your request to:
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