Farm Management Survey - 2017

The Farm Management Survey is designed to contribute to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's work on measuring management practices on Canadian farms. The data from this survey was collected from February to April 2018, based on 2017 farm operation experience.

The Farm Management Survey is built to be representative of 81% of the Canadian agricultural production in 7 specific production subsectors: dairy, beef, poultry, pigs, field crops, forage crops, and fruit, vegetables, berries and nut production. Not all geographic areas are represented by the data. Only those with significant national production in one of those 7 subsectors are included in the sampling.

For the purpose of this survey, field crops are defined as annual crops grown for grain, seed, forage feed (hay, silage, or greenfeed), or grazing.

The total number of field crop producer responses included in this survey was 2,937 and were distributed by province as follows: Alberta – 548; Saskatchewan – 724, Manitoba – 279; Ontario – 982; and Quebec – 404.

Given that Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and British Columbia did not have significant national production of field crops, grain producers from these provinces were not included in the survey.

Detailed methodology for this survey can be found at:
Data Exhibits